Meet YA Author Michele Kwasniewski on Sunday, March 10th from 1:30-4:30pm in the Indie Author Tent at the Tucson Festival of Books! Bring your copies of Rising Star, Burning Bright & Falling Star to be autographed, pick up some free bookish swag and learn about the series prequel that is in the works!

FALLING STAR, the final installment in the exciting Young Adult trilogy, THE RISE AND FALL OF DANI TRUEHART is here!

Falling Star by Michele Kwasniewski
Find Out What Happens In The Final Installment of This Pop Music Saga

Watch The FALLING STAR Book Trailer:

Hit Play To Watch The FALLING STAR Book Trailer

You fell in love with Dani in RISING STAR, and BURNING BRIGHT ended with Dani making a life-changing mistake. Watch the BURNING BRIGHT book trailer:

Hit Play To See The BURNING BRIGHT Book Trailer

Listen to Michele’s Interview on the Syndicated Radio Show THE WEEKEND WITH ED KALEGI


While in SoCal, Ed Kalegi visited with author Michele Kwasniewski to talk about the success and critical acclaim paid to: “Rising Star” and “Burning Bright,” books one and two in the rise and fall of Dani Trueheart series.


Minutes before her scheduled performance at the party for her third album, sixteen-year-old pop sensation Dani Truehart regains consciousness amid the smoking wreckage of a car accident, the crumbled body of a cyclist splayed on the ground. Moments after the accident, Dani’s manager, Jenner Redman, reaches the scene and his impulsive decision sets in motion a chain of events that will have catastrophic consequences for everyone in the starlet’s orbit.

Later, when scandal threatens to destroy the dazzling career of the world’s most beloved pop star, Dani must choose between accepting responsibility for her disastrous choices, possibly destroying her fame and fortune, or sacrificing those who made her famous and everyone she loves to preserve the stardom she has spent her entire life working to achieve.


Fresh off the debut of her EP, sixteen-year-old Dani Truehart is flying high on a string of number one hits. After locking down her first full-length album in record time and furiously preparing for her world tour, Dani is torn between leaving her loved ones behind and embracing her burgeoning stardom.

Dani’s career explodes as her tour moves across the globe. Elated when two of Hollywood’s hottest young actors, Kayla Spencer and Trey Connors, befriend her, Dani finds herself living life in the fast lane and recording her second album as she tours. Constantly dogged by the paparazzi, Dani basks in the adoration of The TrueHart Nation, her loyal super-fans who are ready to follow her around the world and go to war with anyone who dares dis their favorite pop star, whom they’ve dubbed “The Queen of Harts.”

With her ego growing as fast has her fame and fortune, a string of platinum hits and her jealous mother desperate for a piece of her wealth, sixteen-year-old pop sensation Dani Truehart navigates the glamor and perils of stardom as scandal threatens to ruin her and everyone who helped make her a star.

Have you read the first book yet?

RISING STAR, the first book in THE RISE AND FALL OF DANI TRUEHART SERIES from YA author Michele Kwasniewski is your next must-read young adult novel.

Best Young Adult Fiction Novel Rising Star

About RISING STAR, a Young Adult Novel

In the first book in THE RISE AND FALL OF DANI TRUEHART series, RISING STAR, fifteen-year-old Dani Truehart is living a life that is not quite her own. On the brink of discovery, doubts begin to creep into Dani’s mind as she questions her own desire for fame. She wonders whether she can trust the motivations of the adults who are driving her forward.

In the first book in THE RISE AND FALL OF DANI TRUEHART series, RISING STAR, fifteen-year-old Dani Truehart is living a life that is not quite her own. On the brink of discovery, doubts begin to creep into Dani’s mind as she questions her own desire for fame. She wonders whether she can trust the motivations of the adults who are driving her forward.

Isolated from her life at home and trying to stay apace with her demanding schedule, Dani struggles to find her voice as an artist and stay connected to those she loves. Finding herself unprepared to handle the pressures of her future singing career, Dani’s debut album and future stardom are at risk of falling apart.

While [Rising Star] is an obvious must-read for its YA audience, I think you will love it if you once were a teenage girl (I was not) or parent to one (I was).

J. Perez-Gillespie

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Stop By Beach Town Books In San Clemente, CA To Pick Up Your Copy

Copies of RISING STAR & BURNING BRIGHT Are Now Available In Libraries Around The Country!

Check With Your Local Library For A Copy Today.

If you love the music world and wonder what it takes to “make it” in the business, then Rising Star may be the book for you. Fifteen year old Dani Truehart is the main character, and in the book she describes her journey to earning a recording deal. Plenty of obstacles and drama follow her….. an overbearing stage mom, separation from her friends and family, and the pressures of her training. I found this to be an interesting story that moved at a good pace. I think the YA reader would especially enjoy it.

Kelly Cantwell

April 13, 2021 – Hello fellow booklovers, I have another book review for you guys today. I have to say that I have been reading a lot of books that are a little bit out of my comfort zone lately. But this one felt right up my alley. I have always been intrigued by the entertainment industry, how a pop star is made, all the effort and hard work it takes… and this book has a lot about that, and so much more..

Rising Star by Michele Kwasniewski

Foto 7-9-20 6 51 17 p.m.

My first 5 star rating of the year and one I wasn’t expecting.
This book was really good at portraying the life of a pop star, from the early stages of her career to her road to making it big. We live it all through the eyes of Dani our main protagonist. her struggles, her dealings with an more than oportunistic mother who just wanted money and fame vicariously through her daughter.. and you will be thankful you’re not Dany let me tell you… it’s hard hitting, their relationship.. always pushing her, and pushing her and with less than good intentions.
We see her trying hard to mantain her relationships and how it’s quite a difficult task, due to long hours, tigh schedules and just simply being too tired to reach out..

We also see how important it is to have important people on your corner helping you deal with it all and supporting you as best they could by understanding your absence in a way.

It’s easy to see the background and research the author had on the entertainment industry.. You can feel the effort one has to go through to reach stardom.
The character development on this book is top of the line, it only enriches the story.

It starts a little on the slow side but once it picks up you’ll fly through it, it’s easy to read and very engrossing which I appreciate a lot because that’s what I’m looking for these days, to be taking out from my reality for a while.
Thank you to the author for gifting me with this book and I’m looking forward to reading more from her.

Hope you guys decide to give this book a try, it deserves it. Don’t forget that if you want to help me keep on creating content and making you at least smile a bit with my quirky posts and ranty opinions just  visit my Ko-fi page or and support my work..

As Always

Happy Reading


Chelle’s Book Ramblings