For the Reader

Stand Up For Yourself: Facing Rejection In My YA Book Series Publishing Process

Writing the first book in my YA series, The Rise & Fall of Dani Truehartwas one of the biggest challenges of my life.  I had no formal training in writing and had never written a book before.  When it came time to pitch myself to agents, I felt like a fish out of water.  Who am I to sell a book?  What if it isn’t as good as I think? Why would anyone want to read a book written by me?  I sent query letters to over one hundred agents, but no one seemed to connect with my manuscript and I began to worry that I was a horrible writer, chasing an unattainable dream.

But I remembered that it only takes one person to say yes.   One person to believe in my work as I did and to stand up with me.  So I ignored all the agents who passed on me, who didn’t pick me up as a client for whatever reason, and kept going. I believed in myself and my book enough to keep looking for representation. 

And then I found someone who said yes!  One agent who said they liked my worked, believed it would sell and took a chance on me. I stood up for myself even though many agents had passed on me.  I felt like I had won the lottery!

Standing up for yourself isn’t always a dramatic moment in a crowded room.  Sometimes standing up for yourself is a quiet personal act, where you simply turn your back on your self-doubt, refusing to give in to that voice in your head that says, Maybe I’m not good enough.  Just like giving in to someone because it would be easier than voicing your opinion, it’s hard to ignore that little nagging voice of doubt in your head. Because it means again and again you have to tell yourself that you are worth fighting for and your dreams matter.

Being a peace keeper, taking one for the team and doing your part are all very important in life.  We all should give our best effort to get along with the people around us.  But choosing yourself and your dreams are just as important.  It is your life after all, you should definitely make sure it’s the one you want to live.

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