Last week was an exciting week for me! I was interviewed by my hometown newspaper, I received more positive reviews for my book, my agent said she liked the second installment to my series, I was asked to autographed my book for someone and I received my first royalty check. Not too shabby for a small-town mom who’s always dreamed of being a writer. I’m feeling very grateful and very blessed.
I know I haven’t made the New York Times Best Sellers List (yet) or that Oprah still hasn’t put my book on her book club list (I’m sure it’s probably in her TBR pile), but all the acknowledgement my book has received from family, friends and now readers I don’t personally know means so much to me.
I’m grateful for everyone who has bought my book, read it, wrote a review, told a friend about it or reposted something on social media. Being a small fish in a very big pond, friends and family have made all the difference and I cannot thank you enough.
When you go out on a limb to pursue a dream, it can be really scary. No one wants to embarrass themselves or fail in public. It took me years to tell people I was writing a book because I wasn’t really sure I could finish it. But the support I received once I finally shared my writing dream with friends and family was amazing. I knew that even if it didn’t work out, I would be supported by the people in my life and that kept me going.
So thank you to everyone who is reading this and to all those who are not. To anyone and everyone in my life who has walked this journey with me. I am grateful to have you in my life and very lucky. And I’m right here for you whenever you need me.
Happy Tuesday💕